

您当前的位置:首页 >广东省 > 东莞市 >东莞市 >东莞市黄江华亿信钻石砂轮工具厂
今天是 03月07 星期五

東莞市黃江華億信鑽石砂輪工具廠是一家專業生產人造金剛石(樹脂)砂輪、CBN立方碳化硼、金屬(青銅)砂輪、電鍍砂輪等系列產品的廠家、所生產的產品廣泛應用於光學鏡頭、棱鏡、手錶玻璃、硬質合金、模具鋼、鐵氧體磁性材料、陶瓷、大理石、花崗岩等深加工行業。可以根據客戶特殊要求尺寸圖樣設計製作產品。我公司在金剛石工具裏融合了十多年的專業生產經驗,能较大限度地為客戶在磨削方面提供專業的諮詢和合作,為尊敬的客戶大力提升產品的附加值,降低成本消耗。重要的是對使用我公司產品的客戶,提供優質的售前、售中、售後服務。 優質的服務是我公司的執著和堅持,您的支援和肯定是我們發展的動力! 本公司擁有先進的設備和檢測儀器,技術力量雄厚,有高級工程師及專業技術人員。嚴格的品質保證和控制體系,完善的管理服務和體系,保證為用戶提供高品質的產品。本公司本著品質、價格優惠,服務至上的原則,熱誠歡迎國內外用戶前來諮詢和訂購。Company profileAbout hoesun: hoesun diamond grinding tools factory specializing in the production of tools artificial diamond (resin) wheel, CBN, metal (bronze) grinding wheel grinding, wheel grinding plating and other products. Products are widely used in optical lenses, prisms, watches, glass, sapphire glass, cemented carbide, mold steel, ferrite magnetic materials, ceramics, marble, granite, and other deep-processing industries. Also it can have a production based on customer’s special requirements of size or pattern.The company has been integrated of more than 10 years of professional experience in the diamond tools industry production, can maximize the customer in the most professional grinding provide advice and cooperation, respect for the customer to upgrade the added value of product, reduce costs consumption. The most important thing is the company will provide high-quality pre-sale, sale, after-sale service for our customer.Quality of service is our company’s dedicate equipment and also has a strong technical force: have many senior engineers and professional technical personnel. Strict quality assurance and control system, sound management services and systems to ensure that offers high-quality products. Companies in the quality first, price

公司名称 东莞市黄江华亿信钻石砂轮工具厂
所 在 地 广东省 黄江镇田美向南三街39号
